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Workstations Assessment FAQs

Frequently asked workstation assessment related questions.

Molly Woollett


The Blog

Workstations Assessment FAQs

Frequently asked workstation assessment related questions.


Workstations FAQs

When Should a WSA be Carried Out?

If workers use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work, continuously for an hour or more, employers must do a workstation assessment.

What is taken into consideration when conducting a WSA?

  • the whole workstation, including equipment, furniture, and work conditions
  • the job being done
  • any special requirements of a member of staff, for example a user with a disability

Where there are risks, they should take steps to reduce them.

When Else Can an Employee Request a WSA?

  • When a new workstation is set up
  • When a new user starts work
  • When a change is made to an existing workstation or the way it’s used
  • When users complain of pain or discomfort

Whilst there is a helpful DSE checklist which allows users to assess their own workstation and packages which can help train users and help them take part in assessments, this software is not an assessment on its own. Employers and employees should always make sure a trained assessor looks at any user self-assessment results (whether these are software or paper based). The assessor should clear up any doubtful points, provide feedback to users and make sure problems are put right, for example by changes to the DSE or workstation.

What Else Can an Employer Do?

Employers must provide health and safety training and information for display screen equipment (DSE) users. Training should be about the risks in DSE work and how to avoid these by safe working practices. It should include:

  • good posture
  • adjusting chairs and other furniture
  • arranging desk space
  • adjusting screens and lighting to avoid reflections and glare
  • breaks and changes of activity
  • risk assessments
  • how to report problems

Employers should also tell users about the general arrangements they have made for health and safety in their DSE work, and how they can apply for an eye test. Also consider explaining how to use a DSE workstation checklist if users are going to make their own assessment.

What About Working From Home?

Employers have the same health and safety responsibilities for employees working from home as for any other employees, including the duty not to charge for things done or provided pursuant to their specific requirements. If you have staff working at home, you must still manage the risks to their health from display screen equipment (DSE).

Short-term Working From Home

  • There is no increased risk from DSE work for those working from home temporarily. So in that situation employers do not need to ask them to carry out home workstation assessments.
  • During any period of temporary working, employers need to regularly discuss these arrangements with their employees. If such work is adversely affecting the health, safety and welfare of their employees, they should take appropriate steps.
  • Employers should provide workers with advice on completing their own basic assessment at home.

Long-term Working From Home

  • Where employers decide to make working from home arrangements permanent, they should explain how to carry out full workstation assessments and provide workers with appropriate equipment and advice on control measures.

Need a Workstation Assessment?

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