The Blog

Repetitive Strain Injury

We explore what a Repetitive Strain Injury is, how it can be caused and what you can do to minimise the risks.

Molly Woollett


The Blog

Repetitive Strain Injury

We explore what a Repetitive Strain Injury is, how it can be caused and what you can do to minimise the risks.

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What is a Reptetive Strain Injury?

A Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is a gradually cumulative pain associated with repetitive use of muscles, tendons and nerves. RSIs are common and may be caused by many different types of activities, including:

  • Using a computer mouse
  • Typing on keyboard/phone
  • Swiping items at a checkout
  • Grasping tools
  • Working on an assembly line
  • Sports training

Common Symptoms

Common symptoms of RSI can often include:

  • Aching/burning/throbbing pain
  • Stiffness and weakness
  • Numbness/tingling/pins and needles
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling

What occupations are most at risk?

As well as desk jobs, other occupations that involve repetitive movements and may increase your risk include:

  • Construction workers
  • Dentists
  • Cleaners
  • Cooks
  • Bus drivers (bus drivers can also suffer from a form of RSI known as Repetitive Driving Injury, see our blog on driving ergonomics.)

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What can be done to minimise the risk a RSI?

There are many ways that you can minimise the risk, such as maintaining a good posture while working, depending on your profession this will vary. Taking frequent mini breaks and stretching the muscles and tendons will also mitigate any risks. Figuring out the least stressing way or position to complete repetitive movements, this may mean trying a few different positions until you have found one that’s comfortable.

More tailored advice and tips of RSIs prevention are available using Sano Occupational Health services.

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