Return on Investment
Return on Investment
Southeastern (SE) operate one of the busiest networks in the country and also run the UK’s first domestic high speed service with Javelin trains.
Southeastern runs train services into London from Kent and East Sussex:
Back in Action UK have been SE’s sole occupational physiotherapy provider since 2016 when SE wanted to provide a physiotherapy service as part of its health and wellbeing strategy. SE had identified that they had significant sickness absence associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) which they were looking to better manage.
The Back in Action UK physiotherapy service was initially introduced as a 4 month pilot, the results of which were significant:
As a result of this successful pilot, the physiotherapy service was expanded across the business with remote physiotherapy assessments as the first point of entry with onward referral if needed to the SE onsite physiotherapy clinics at Ramsgate, London Bridge, Dartford, and most recently Sevenoaks.
Over the 8 years of service, it is calculated that Back in Action UK has saved SE:
After paying for BIA UK services, and if just the direct absence costs are considered, this equates to an estimated ROI of over 10:1
Over the last 3 years, BIA UK have been working with SE on further proactive projects, all to decrease the risk and prevalence of injuries and MSD ill-health from happening in the first place. One such project was around change behaviour of drivers as this group had been identified as the biggest users of the BIA UK service, with low back pain being the main reason for referral.
The five main factors that BIA UK identified as causative factors were: