Remote Physiotherapy.

Up to 40% of musculoskeletal disorders can be dealt with by telephone triage intervention rather than face-to-face intervention.

Remote Physiotherapy.

Up to 40% of musculoskeletal disorders can be dealt with by telephone triage intervention rather than face-to-face intervention.

At Back in Action UK we change and align ourselves with the latest scientific research in order to consistently provide the best and most efficient services and the best value for money to our clients.

The current research has proven this:

  1. 40% of musculoskeletal disorders can be dealt with by telephone triage intervention rather than face-to-face intervention.
  2. The most clinically-effective and cost-effective approach to the management of musculoskeletal disorders is a stratified approach based on the patient’s prognosis. Put simply, this is the early identification of a patient’s risk of having a poor outcome from their illness and adapting their treatment and intervention accordingly.

Proudly supporting:

Back in Action UK’s remote service is modelled on these findings and delivers to our clients:

  • Immediate and effective specialised physiotherapy intervention for all its employees – even those based at home or in remote settings.
  • A reduction in time and cost associated with attending physiotherapy and other medical appointments
  • A faster return to work or function with associated considerable cost benefits

Our remote service provides a massive Return on Investment to our Clients as a stand alone service but it brings additional value to those clients who have invested in our on-site or off-site physiotherapy services. 

Frequently, we will use a webcam as part of the service. This adds another dimension when needed, therefore providing your company with a remote Occupational Physiotherapy Service for a fraction of the cost of the real thing.


How much is absence costing you?

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Your Employees

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Absence could be costing you:

Estimated MSK Absence Cost: £ 0
Estimated Presenteeism Cost: £ 0
Cumulative cost of MSK Issue: £ 0
Annual BIA Service Cost: Around £ 0
Estimated ROI: 0
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Our model

The first step to physiotherapy intervention is with the employee or individual speaking with one of our specialised occupational physiotherapists on the telephone. Using the bio-psychosocial model and validated and specific outcome measures and tools, our physiotherapist will place the employee into one of 3 categories – low, medium, or high risk of poor outcome. The category they are placed in will determine their treatment pathway:

Low Risk Category

We will manage the employee through self-help advice and treatment given over the telephone during the initial call. They are then followed up with a succession of similar calls until a positive outcome is reached. The employee will be referred to one of Back in Action UK’s clinics per the Medium Risk Category if a swift, positive outcome is not achieved.

Medium Risk and High Risk Categories

The employee is referred to the nearest Client’s Back in Action UK on-site clinic, or local network practice for face-to-face physiotherapy assessment, treatment and rehabilitation.

Download Our Free Services Brochure

A guide to help in your decision making process
  • Descriptions of all of our services
  • Indicative costs and ROI
  • Suitable to take to decision making meetings
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