Supporting employee wellbeing at Greater Anglia

Remote assessment and hands-on treatment


of employees remained in work

Supporting employee wellbeing at Greater Anglia

Remote assessment and hands-on treatment


of employees remained in work


Greater Anglia (GA) is one of the larger UK rail franchises who operate a mix of intercity, commuter, regional and local train services between London and counties in the East.

Back in Action UK have been GA’s sole occupational physiotherapy provider since 2015.  At that time, GA wanted to introduce an occupational physiotherapy service in keeping with its focus on becoming an employer of choice and its desire to continue to lead in service and health & safety improvements.

The Service

Back in Action UK’s physiotherapy service was set up from the start to include proactive and reactive measures to improve, maintain and restore employee health which would in turn reduce injury rates and the costs of musculoskeletal ill-health and absence.

In order for the service to be effective at achieving these aims, it had to be set up to be easy to use and provide immediate access. 


Service key stats

for service users


remained in work or returned on full duties


appointments per case


stayed in work when could have been absent


improved quality of life


remained in work or returned on full duties


appointments per case


stayed in work when could have been absent


improved quality of life

We have been able to show every year:

  • An average of 150 new referrals.
  • Over 90% of employees remained or return to work on normal duties.
  • An average of less then 4 appointments per treatment case.
  • Employee feedback results demonstrate that 81% reported that the physiotherapy intervention they received had helped them to keep at work without needing time off.
  • An average score of over 92% in the EQ-5D questionnaire – a well-established and widely-used outcome measure for assessing health-related quality of life.
  • In 2023, an estimated 1,188 days saved through (a) getting people back to work quickly and (b) keeping people at work and preventing absence.
  • An estimated annual return on investment of 6:1.

Service key stats

for the employer


days saved

6 to 1

return on investment


stayed in work when could have been absent


days saved

6 to 1

return on investment


stayed in work when could have been absent

How much could you save on absence days?

Find out what you could be saving with our service




Your Employees

Your Industry

Your Sick Pay

Please provide your email to see the results:

Absence could be costing you:

Estimated MSK Absence Cost: £ 0
Estimated Presenteeism Cost: £ 0
Cumulative cost of MSK Issue: £ 0
Annual BIA Service Cost: Around £ 0
Estimated ROI: 0
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