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The benefits of Pilates

Pilates is not only a great way to keep fit, it can also help aid in your physiotherapy journey, Pilates helps to improve body awareness and relaxation while challenging the body to develop strength and endurance. By doing this people see an improvement in posture, reduction in pain, increase in strength and conditioning of the body and improved flexibility.

Molly Woollett


The Blog

The benefits of Pilates

Pilates is not only a great way to keep fit, it can also help aid in your physiotherapy journey, Pilates helps to improve body awareness and relaxation while challenging the body to develop strength and endurance. By doing this people see an improvement in posture, reduction in pain, increase in strength and conditioning of the body and improved flexibility.


Pilates and Physiotherapy

Pilates is an exercise approach aimed at improving the core strength of the body while maintaining flexibility. Pilates targets the deep postural muscles of the body using set exercises and breathing techniques.

There are various musculoskeletal conditions and health problems which can benefit from Pilates rehabilitation. Pilates can be used as a form of treatment for those with various health complaints to maintain and improve movement and core stability. Pilates is also used for eliminating musculoskeletal aches and pains, and preventing musculoskeletal injury from occurring in the first place.

What are the benefits of Pilates

  • Increased stability around joints
  • Reduced muscle tension, improved muscle tone
  • Aiding the health of joints and increasing range of motion
  • Improving and restoring balance and coordination skills
  • Facilitating lung function, breathing control and circulation

Pilates is suitable for people of all ages ranging from pensioners wanting to improve their general well-being, expecting mums to new mums, people suffering from a variety of musculoskeletal conditions and even sports enthusiasts wanting to further improve their performance.

Conditions suitable for Pilates

Some common conditions we treat are:

  • Low back pain
  • Shoulder problems
  • Hamstring problems
  • Postural/biomechanical problems
  • Neck pain
  • Knee and hip pain
  • Hypermobility syndrome
  • Post abdominal surgery

Find Out More

If Pilates is something you’ve been thinking about but you’re not quite sure, take a look at our knowledge section, common ailments we treat and explore whether Pilates could help you.

The Knowledge

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